Pastor & Ministers Fellowship

Broadous Family Monthly Prayer

Sunday, April 11,2021 at 2:00 p.m. PST Via Zoom

Zoom Link: Monthly Prayer Call

Meeting ID: 903 570 9885

Passcode: family2020
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Meeting ID: 903 570 9885
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Broadous Family Weekly Prayer:

Every Wednesday 6 a.m. (Pacific Time)
‭(605) 468-8003‬,  Access Code 441053#

Broadous Family Pastor's and Ministers Fellowship

To all Pastor's and Ministers would you please go to the Clergy Form tab and complete a form so that I may get your information to contact you about our newly re-organized Fellowship. If you're not using email nor social media I can be contacted at 503.890.4316.

Thank you & blessings,
Cousin/Pastor George Merriweather